The Repertory
New York City Ballet dances in the winter, spring, and — since 2010 — fall each year at the David H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater) at Lincoln Center, and tours domestically and internationally.
- À la Françaix
- Acheron
- Adams Violin Concerto
- After the Rain
- After the Rain Pas de Deux
- Afternoon of a Faun
- Age of Anxiety
- Agon
- Alborada del Gracioso
- Allegro Brillante
- An American in Paris
- American Rhapsody
- Ancient Airs and Dances
- Andantino
- Antique Epigraphs
- Apollo
- Appalachia Waltz
- Arcade
- Archetypes
- Architects of Time
- Ash
- Aurora's Wedding
- Bach Concerto V
- Backchat
- Badchonim
- Le Baiser de La Fée
- Bal de Couture
- Ballade (Balanchine)
- Ballade (Robbins)
- Ballet d'Isoline
- Ballet Imperial
- Ballo della Regina
- Barber Violin Concerto
- Baroque Variations
- Bartók Ballet
- Bartók No. 3
- Bayou
- A Beethoven Pas de Deux
- Beethoven Romance
- The Beethoven Seventh
- Behind the China Dogs
- Belles-Lettres
- Beneath the Tides
- Bet Ann's Dance
- Les Biches
- Black & White
- Black Swan Pas de Deux
- The Blue of Distance
- Les Bosquets
- The Bounding Line
- Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
- Bournonville Divertissements
- Bourrée Fantasque
- Brahms-Schoenberg Quartet
- Brahms/Handel
- Brandenburg
- Bright
- Broken Promise
- Bugaku
- Burleske
- By 2 With & From
- The Cage
- Cakewalk
- Calcium Light Night
- Call Me Ben
- Capriccio Brillante
- Capriccio Italien
- Capricious Maneuvers
- Caracole
- The Card Game
- Les Carillons
- Carnival of the Animals
- Carousel (A Dance)
- Celebration
- Chaconne
- The Chairman Dances
- Chansons Madecasses
- Chants d'Auvergne
- The Chase or The Vixen's Choice
- Chiaroscuro
- Chichester Psalms
- Chopiniana
- Choral Variations on Bach's "Vom Himmel Hoch"
- Circle of Fifths
- Circus Polka
- Clarinade
- Clearing Dawn
- Common Ground
- Composer's Holiday
- Con Amore
- The Concert (or, The Perils of Everybody)
- Concert Fantasy
- Concerti Armonici
- Concertino (Robbins)
- Concertino (Balanchine)
- Concerto Barocco
- Concerto DSCH
- Concerto for Jazz Band and Orchestra
- Concerto for Piano and Winds (1972)
- Concerto for Piano and Winds (1982)
- Concerto for Two Pianos
- Concerto for Two Solo Pianos (Martins)
- Concerto for Two Solo Pianos (Tanner)
- Concerto in Five Movements
- Concerto in G
- Concerto No. 2
- Copland Dance Episodes
- Coppélia
- Correlazione
- Cortège Hongrois
- La Création du Monde
- The Creation of the World
- Danbury Mix
- dance odyssey
- Dance Preludes
- Dances at a Gathering
- Danses Concertantes
- Danses de Cour
- Daphnis and Chloé
- The Decalogue
- Delibes Divertissement
- Delight of the Muses
- DGV: Danse à Grande Vitesse
- Diamonds
- Dig the Say
- Dim Lustre
- Distant Cries
- Divertimento
- Divertimento from 'Le Baiser de la Fée'
- Divertimento No. 15
- Don Quixote
- Donizetti Variations
- Double Aria
- Double Feature
- The Dreamers
- Duke!
- Dumbarton Oaks
- Duo Concertant
- Dvorák Bagatelles
- Dybbuk
- The Dybbuk Variations
- Each In Their Own Time
- Easy
- Ebony Concerto (Taras)
- Ebony Concerto (Woetzel)
- Echo
- Ecstatic Orange
- Eight Easy Pieces
- Eight Lines
- Eight Miniatures
- Eight More
- Electronics
- Élégie
- Emanon - In Two Movements
- Emeralds
- L'Enfant et les Sortileges
- Episodes
- Episodes and Sarcasms
- Eros Piano
- Errante (formerly titled Tzigane)
- Estancia
- Étoile Polaire
- Etude for Piano
- Evenfall
- An Evening's Waltzes
- Everywhere We Go
- The Exchange
- The Fairy's Kiss
- Fancy Free
- Fanfare
- Fantasies
- Fantasy
- Fearful Symmetries
- The Figure in the Carpet
- Filling Station
- The Filly or A Stable Boy's Dream
- Firebird
- Five
- The Five Gifts
- Flötezart
- Flower Festival in Genzano
- A Fool For You
- For Clara
- For the Love of Duke
- Fortuitous Ash
- Four Bagatelles
- Four Chamber Works
- Four Gnossiennes
- Four Last Songs
- Four Norwegian Moods
- The Four Seasons
- The Four Temperaments
- Fred and George
- Friandises
- From You Within Me
- Funérailles
- Garland Dance from 'The Sleeping Beauty'
- Gaspard de la Nuit
- Les Gentilhommes
- Gershwin Piano Concerto
- Glass Pieces
- Glazounov Pas de Deux
- Glinkiana
- La Gloire
- The Goldberg Variations
- Gounod Symphony
- Grazioso
- Gretry Pas de Deux
- The Guests
- Guide to Strange Places
- La Guirlande de Campra
- Gustave le Gray No. 1
- I Have My Own Room
- I'm Old Fashioned
- If by Chance
- Illuminations
- Images
- In a Landscape
- In Creases
- In G Major
- In Memory of...
- In the Blue
- In the Mi(d)st
- In the Night
- In Vento
- The Infernal Machine
- Intermezzo No. 1
- Interplay
- Into the Hopper
- Introduction and Allegro for Harp
- Introduction and Fugue
- Irish Fantasy
- Ives, Songs
- Ivesiana
- Ma Mère L'Oye (Mother Goose)
- The Magic Flute
- The Masquers
- A Mass
- Mazurka from 'A Life for the Tsar'
- Medea
- Meditation
- Menuetto
- Mercurial Manoeuvres
- Mercury
- Mes Oiseaux
- Metamorphoses
- Metastaseis and Pithoprakta
- Middle Duet
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- The Minotaur
- Miraculous Mandarin
- Mirage
- Modern Jazz: Variants
- Monumentum pro Gesualdo
- Morgen
- Morphoses
- The Most Incredible Thing
- Mother Goose Suite
- Mothership
- Movements for Piano and Orchestra
- Moves
- Mozart Piano Concerto
- Mozart Serenade
- Mozartiana
- Musagète
- A Musical Offering
- Mystic Familiar
- N.Y. Export: Opus Jazz
- Naïve and Sentimental Music
- Namouna, A Grand Divertissement
- Narkissos
- Native Dancers
- Neverwhere
- The New Blondes
- New Blood
- The Newcomers
- Night Shadow
- The Nightingale and the Rose
- Noah and the Flood
- Les Noces
- Norwegian Moods
- Not My Girl
- Not Our Fate
- George Balanchine's The Nutcracker®
- Panamerica
- Papillons
- Paquita
- Partita
- Pas de Deux (Balanchine)
- Pas de Deux (d'Amboise)
- Pas de Deux and Divertissement
- Pas de Deux Espagnol
- Pas de Deux Romantique
- Pas de Dix
- Pas de Trois (Glinka)
- Pas de Trois (Minkus)
- Pastoral Dances
- Pastorale (d'Amboise)
- Pastorale (Moncion)
- Pavane
- Paz de la Jolla
- Perséphone
- Les Petits Riens
- Piano Pieces
- Piano-Rag-Music (Bolender)
- Piano-Rag-Music (Martins)
- Piccolo Balletto
- Picnic at Tintagel
- Pictures at an Exhibition
- The Pied Piper
- Piège de Lumière
- A Place for Us
- Plainspoken
- Play Time
- Polaris
- Polyphonia
- Poulenc Sonata
- Prague Symphony
- Prelude, Fugue and Riffs
- Principia
- Printemps
- Prism
- Prodigal Son
- Prologue
- Pulcinella
- Pulcinella Variations
- Punch and the Child
- Purple
- Ragtime (1960)
- Ragtime (1967)
- Rapsodie Espagnole
- Raymonda Variations
- Red Angels
- The Red Violin
- Refractions
- Réjouissance
- Reliquary
- Requiem Canticles (Balanchine)
- Requiem Canticles (Robbins)
- Reunions
- Reveries
- Rhapsody in Blue (Lubovitch)
- River of Light
- Robert Schumann's "Davidsbündlertänze"
- Rococo Variations
- Rodeo: Four Dance Episodes
- Roma
- Romeo + Juliet
- Romeo and Juliet (Lavery)
- Rondo
- Rossini Pas de Deux
- Rossini Quartets
- Rotunda
- Rubies
- The Runaway
- Russian Seasons
- Salome Dances for Peace
- Saltarelli
- Sarabande and Danse (Clifford)
- Sarabande and Danse (d'Amboise)
- Scènes de Ballet (Taras)
- Scènes de Ballet (Wheeldon)
- Scherzo à la Russe
- Scherzo Fantastique (Peck)
- Scherzo Fantastique (Robbins)
- Scherzo: Opus 42
- Schoenberg Variations
- Schoenberg/Wuorinen Variations
- A Schubert Sonata
- A Schubertiad
- Scotch Symphony
- Serenade
- Serenade en La
- Serenade in A
- Set of Seven
- Seven by Five Plus Two
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- The Seven Deadly Sins (Sloth, Pride, Anger, Gluttony, Lust, Avarice, Envy)
- The Shaded Line
- Shadow'd Ground
- Shadows
- Shambards
- Shéhérazade
- The Shimmering Asphalt
- Signs
- A Simple Symphony
- Sinfonia
- Sinfonia Mistica
- Sinfonietta
- A Sketch Book
- Sky to Hold
- Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
- Slavonic Dances
- The Sleeping Beauty
- Slice to Sharp
- Slonimsky's Earbox
- Soirée
- Soirée Musicale
- Solitude
- Solo
- Something to Dance About
- Sonatas and Interludes
- Sonate di Scarlatti
- Sonatine
- The Song of the Nightingale
- Songs of the Auvergne
- La Sonnambula
- Sophisticated Lady
- La Source
- Souvenir de Florence
- Souvenirs
- Space
- Spectral Evidence
- The Spellbound Child
- Square Dance
- Stabat Mater
- A Stair Dance
- Standard Deviation
- Stars and Stripes
- The Steadfast Tin Soldier
- Steel and Rain
- The Still Point
- La Stravaganza
- Stravinsky Symphony in C
- Stravinsky Violin Concerto
- Suite from L'Histoire du Soldat
- A Suite of Dances
- Summerspace (A Lyric Dance)
- Swan Lake (Balanchine)
- Swan Lake (Martins)
- Swerve Poems
- La Sylphide
- Sylvia: Pas de Deux
- Symphonic Dances
- Symphonie Concertante
- Symphony in C
- Symphony in E Flat
- Symphony in Three Movements
- Symphony No. 1
- Symphony No. 6 Pathétique
- Tango (Balanchine)
- Tango (Martins)
- Tanzspiel
- Tarantella
- Tea-Rose
- Telemann Overture Suite in E Minor
- Tempo di Valse
- ten in seven
- Tender Night
- Them Twos
- Theme and Variations
- This Bitter Earth
- Thou Swell
- Three Preludes
- Time Table
- The Times Are Racing
- Tivoli
- Toccata
- Todo Buenos Aires
- Le Tombeau de Couperin
- Touch
- Tributary
- Tribute
- Tricolore
- Triptych (Strings Percussion Celesta)
- Trois Valses Romantiques
- Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux
- Tschaikovsky Pas de Quatre
- Tschaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 2
- Tschaikovsky Suite No. 1
- Tschaikovsky Suite No. 2
- Tschaikovsky Suite No. 3
- Twilight
- Twilight Courante
- Two Birds with the Wings of One
- Two Hearts
- Two's Company
- Tyl Ulenspiegel
- Tālā Gaisma
- La Valse
- Valse Fantaisie (1969)
- Valse Fantaisie (1953)
- Valse Triste
- Valses et Variations
- Variations
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations from "Don Sebastian"
- Variations on a Nursery Song
- Variations pour une Porte et un Soupir
- Variations Sérieuses
- Varied Trio (in four)
- Vespro
- Vienna Waltzes
- Viola Alone ... (with one exception)
- Violin Concerto
- Viva Verdi
- Voices