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Malorie Lundgren is a member of New York City Ballet’s corps de ballet. She was born in Scottsdale, Arizona, and began dancing at the age of two. Her ballet training began at the age of seven, with Sharon Meko and Kanako Imayoshi at Ballet Etudes in Gilbert, Arizona. She attended the School of American Ballet’s California Workshop in 2013, followed by summer courses at SAB, the official school of NYCB, in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Ms. Lundgren entered SAB full-time for the 2016 winter term. She was named an apprentice with NYCB in August 2019, and joined the Company as a member of the corps de ballet in February 2020.

Portrait © Erin Baiano

George Balanchine

  • Raymonda Variations

Peter Martins

  • The Sleeping Beauty (Ruby)

Justin Peck

  • In Creases

Jerome Robbins

  • Fancy Free

Kyle Abraham

  • Love Letter (on shuffle)


  • Copland Dance Episodes