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A ballet doesn't – can't – exist without dancers.

They carry within themselves the technique, knowledge, steps, and understanding to bring countless works of art alive.

They are the raw material, inspiration and institutional memory on which choreographers rely. In these pages, you can learn about the marvelous dancers who are New York City Ballet today.

  1. Principal Dancers

    1. Tyler Angle
    2. Ashley Bouder
    3. Chun Wai Chan
    4. Adrian Danchig-Waring
    5. Megan Fairchild
    6. Jovani Furlan
    7. Emilie Gerrity
    8. Joseph Gordon
    9. Anthony Huxley
    10. Isabella LaFreniere
    11. Sara Mearns
    12. Roman Mejia
    13. Miriam Miller
    14. Mira Nadon
    15. Tiler Peck
    16. Unity Phelan
    17. Taylor Stanley
    18. Daniel Ulbricht
    19. Andrew Veyette
    20. Emma Von Enck
    21. Peter Walker
    22. Indiana Woodward
  2. Soloists

    1. Sara Adams
    2. Daniel Applebaum
    3. Gilbert Bolden III
    4. Preston Chamblee
    5. Harrison Coll
    6. David Gabriel
    7. Ashley Hod
    8. Emily Kikta
    9. Alec Knight
    10. Ashley Laracey
    11. Megan LeCrone
    12. Jules Mabie
    13. Olivia MacKinnon
    14. Alexa Maxwell
    15. Erica Pereira
    16. Brittany Pollack
    17. Davide Riccardo
    18. Aarón Sanz
    19. Troy Schumacher
    20. KJ Takahashi
    21. Sebastián Villarini-Vélez
  3. Corps de Ballet

    1. Victor Abreu
    2. Dominika Afanasenkov
    3. Devin Alberda
    4. Olivia Bell
    5. Olivia Boisson
    6. India Bradley
    7. Christina Clark
    8. Lauren Collett
    9. Nieve Corrigan
    10. Naomi Corti
    11. Gabriella Domini
    12. Savannah Durham
    13. Meaghan Dutton-O'Hara
    14. Oscar Estep
    15. Owen Flacke
    16. Christopher Grant
    17. Sierra Griffith
    18. Eli Raphael Gruska
    19. Laine Habony
    20. Sarah Harmon
    21. Kennard Henson
    22. Spartak Hoxha
    23. Allegra Inch
    24. Baily Jones
    25. Claire Kim
    26. Charlie Klesa
    27. Ruby Lister
    28. Malorie Lundgren
    29. Alston Macgill
    30. Mary Thomas MacKinnon
    31. Shelby Mann
    32. Jenelle Manzi
    33. Noah McAuslin
    34. Samuel Melnikov
    35. Lars Nelson
    36. Maxwell Read
    37. Ava Sautter
    38. Grace Scheffel
    39. Kristen Segin
    40. Mary Elizabeth Sell
    41. Anna Snellgrove
    42. Mckenzie Bernardino Soares
    43. Quinn Starner
    44. Kennedy Targosz
    45. Rommie Tomasini
    46. Claire Von Enck
    47. Cainan Weber
    48. Kloe Walker
    49. Mia Williams
    50. Shane Williams
    51. Andres Zuniga
  4. Apprentices

    1. Kate Bivens
    2. Peyton Gin
    3. Becket Jones
    4. Hugo Mestres
    5. Maya Milić
    6. Vanessa Mlyniec
    7. Alexander Perone
    8. Kylie Vernia
    9. Huscia Waldman
    10. Kylie Williams
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